I attended a lunch & learn session today on Scratch . I am definitely going to need to play around with it some more before I'm really comfortable with it, but wow, what a tool! You can see my first project below. Scratch is surprisingly simple to use, once you get going. My previous coding experience has all been text-based: HTML, Fortran (can you say, "do loop"?) and Basic. Yup, I'm that old. In Scratch, each command has a block, and you string them together in stacks, just like Lego. My ultimate goal with this is how I can use it with students. Lots of ideas for math, and even grade 9 and 10 science... but I'm teaching grade 12 IB biology right now. Hoping for an inspiration on what they can do with it, and whether it's better to wait until September when they're not so focussed on the May exam session.
Exploring the use of blogging as a means of maintaining a professional portfolio.